
High Path Air Conditioning is a heating and cooling service company with a history of excellence, customer service, and quality craftsmanship. We specialise in HVAC service, replacement, and repair for both residential and commercial customers in London and the South East.​

Our Services

Air Conditioning Installation

Expert installation of all air conditioning systems, ensuring peak performance and lasting reliability.

Air Conditioning Service

Dedicated team of service engineers committed to prompt and efficient support for London and the South East.

Drawings and Renders

Visualise your A/C system with detailed drawings and realistic renders for projects of all sizes.

Air Conditioning Certification

Stay compliant with building regulations and industry standards
(F-Gas, Asset management and more)

Acoustic Design

Specialised solutions to ensure quiet operation without compromising performance.


Rob: 07979757186


Working Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm